The Better Man (What, Why, Who, Where, When)
I started this project a year ago. Then, I archived it.
I wasn’t ready. Too much going on.
But I’m back, pulled like a magnet.
I’m ready to give it the attention it deserves.
The simplest way to put my goal here goes like this:
The following quotes will serve as the foundation of what I’m trying to accomplish here with my upcoming book (same title), podcast, YouTube, and this newsletter.
Oscar Wilde:
“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”
"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment."
“The unexamined life is not worth living.”
“To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom.”
Bruce Lee:
“Absorb what is useful, discard what is not, add what is uniquely your own.”
"Freedom is the will to be responsible to ourselves."
"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself."
Become who you are. Do what only you can do. Be the master and the sculptor of yourself. “Friedrich Nietzsche”
"Morality is just a fiction used by the herd of inferior human beings to hold back the few superior men."
Men and boys need new role models.
Society has failed them. The overcorrection of feminism has failed them.
And each day, modern dating, politics, and the general American culture have become a war on their masculinity, identity, and potential.
I will highlight these things so that we are all aware of the problem we’re trying to solve: to help boys and men embrace who they are, what they are, and who they can become.
Because doing so will create a better future.
I won’t complain and serve you various colored pills. This isn’t about US VS THEM.
It’s about you vs the world vs yourself.
I’m not here to complain about how things are as they relate to other people.
It’s just you. Your shit. Your thinking. Your actions. Your results. Nothing else matters.
This is not a place for black-pilled losers who want to base their identity on the very thing they whine about.
Understand how we got here, history and all, and use it as a data point to get what you want out of life FASTER AND EASIER.
My Life
I’ve done things most boys and men dream about doing.
I don’t have as much money as many others.
Nor as much fame or followers or clout.
Nor as many cars or houses or whatever.
I have my life. I did it my way. My identity and life philosophy were forged through life. Through studying the great ideas and minds (primarily men) in history. From loss. From mistakes.
I have my identity, which I believe is my ultimate accomplishment. I'm here to be me because I’m best capable of doing so, and I don’t want to be anyone else because then I wouldn’t be me.
I have a beautiful family. I have the freedom to work anywhere, anytime I want.
I have the resources to own my life regardless of what happens with my current work.
I have the peace of mind from knowing exactly who I am and what I can do.
You tear down everything in my life right now, and I’ll be back in six months… and bigger.
And I know this with every fiber of my being. It’s not a defense mechanism or some made-up bullshit.
I literally fantasize about it sometimes—about losing it all and what I would do. Part of me gets excited about the idea of being so destitute that I would FORCE myself to do more, bigger, and harder, to do things I'm not doing now because I’m too comfortable (which I’m well aware of).
But you don’t know me. So what you want to do is see. You want to see what I’ve done so you feel like you can trust what I’m saying. That’s understandable… you’re a human.
While I feel cringe sharing stuff like that, I’ll do my best to do some of it. Here are a few places you can follow my journey: IG, Wild, Rize
That said, it shouldn’t matter. Take what I say, think about it, try it in your life, and determine if it was helpful or not. There is no such thing as trust in knowledge—only experimentation and results.
Most men (all people, really) struggle with… the inability to think independently and avoid accepting what others say based on how they feel about the person saying it.
It shouldn’t matter. Try to separate the message from the speaker; you’ll be 100 times more effective and learn faster.
Think about the monk who owns nothing. Many listen to him because they think he has wisdom. Maybe he does, maybe not. He doesn’t have wealth, so should you listen to him for ideas on how to make money? Well, maybe, since making money is mastering the self, the monk likely has some valuable tips since that’s what he’s committed his life to.
He may have some terrible general ideas about making money specifically, yet useful ideas around managing one's emotions, which happens to be the single most important factor in making money in the modern economy.
It doesn’t matter since you still have to apply the same framework: “Absorb what is useful, discard what is not, and add what is uniquely your own.”
What to do from here
Join this newsletter. It’ll be the hub of everything moving forward.
Reach out to me if there’s anything you want to share, ask, suggest related to being a man.